622 Secretary Desk
Trademark FAQs
Q: To apply for a Hong Kong Trademark, what conditions do I have to meet?
A: You may apply a trademark to the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department as an Individual or a Statutory Body.
Q: What information is needed to apply for a Trademark?
A: You need to submit the following information:
Name, address and nationality of applicant
Specify the name of the goods, services, or services used
Clear trademark pattern (If the trademark contains color, it is necessary to submit the color of the trademark and specify the color contained)
Photocopy of identity document (Individual Application) or photocopy of company registration certificate (Statutory Body Application)
Q: If I want to apply for a search service, will it slow down the progress of my application?
A: We will provide a free search service,if you want to apply for a government search service, it takes about 1 to 2 months. In the meantime, if a third party submits a trademark similar to yours in the same or similar category, it may affect your official application.
Q: Is it okay if I successfully applied for a trademark and would like to transfer the ownership to another company?
A: Of course. However, please note that for each trademark application, the Intellectual Property Department will only issue one Trademark Certificate. If you would like to transfer the ownership of the trademark to another company, that company will not receive a new certificate with its company name on it from the department. Instead, the department will issue an letter of confirmation for the ownership transfer.
Q: If I failed to register the Trademark, could I use the circled R symbol (Registered Trademark Symbol)?
A: The circled R symbol can only be used for trademarks that have been successfully registered,and any unregistered trademark uses the circle R symbol will be seen as a criminal offence.If the trademark is still not registered or is still applying for registration, the applicant may use the"TM"symbol to announce its trademark logo, but this symbol does not have any protective effect of use.
Q: Could I add more graphics or add new elements to my Trademark after submitting the forms?
A: Once you submitted the T2 Form, you may only make slight adjustment on any writing mistakes but not other amendments.