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TVP Audited Statement of Expenditure
Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) "Programme", a subsidy up to $600,000 HKD will be given to support different types of enterprises to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business processes. For more details, click here to browse the government website.
If approved funding over $50,000HKD, the "Programme" regulates that the applicant submits an audited statement of expenditure that covers the entire project prepared by an independent auditor.
In the meantime of the "Programme" application, applicant needs to provide:
2 quotations from 2 technologies and consultancy companies
2 quotations from independent auditor (Certified Public Accountant registered under the Professional Accounts Ordinance)
321biz can prepare and provide the Audited Statement of Expenditure ($2990 Service Charge), interested enterprises can submit the following information to get an official quotation:
Name of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Solution
Person in charge of the Solution
Name of Enterprise
Address of Enterprise
Other information related to the Programme:
Subsidy Amount
Provide funding for each project up to $600,000 HKD on a 3 (Government): 1 (enterprise/organisation) matching basis.
Up to 6 projects for each enterprise.
Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); or
Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or
Established in Hong Kong by relevant ordinances as statutory bodies;
Not a listed company in Hong Kong, and not a government subvented organisation or subsidiary of any government subvented organisation
With substantive business operation in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.